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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Page No: 42-51

Detection of Design Patterns Using Design Pattern Nearness Marking (DPNM) Algorithm

Shanker Rao A1, M.A. Jabber2, Mayank Sharma3

1.M.Tech Student/Department of CSE Aurora"s Engineering College Bongiri, nalgonda, India.
2.Associate professor/Department of CSE Aurora"s Engineering College Bongiri, nalgonda, India.
3.HOD/Department of CSE Aurora"s Engineering College Bongiri, nalgonda, India.

Citation : Shanker Rao A, M.A. Jabber, Mayank Sharma, Detection of Design Patterns Using Design Pattern Nearness Marking (DPNM) Algorithm International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering 2014, 1(1) : 42-51


Detection of design pattern methodology is based on match gain between graph vertices. This approach has the combined action power of detection normal, changed version patterns and nearness marking. This approach make use of the fact that patterns reside in one or additional inheritance hierarchies, reducing the dimensions of the graphs to that the algorithm is applied. Finally, the algorithm doesn't suppose any pattern-specific heuristic, facilitating the extension to novel style structures. Analysis on 3 open-source comes demonstrated the accuracy and therefore the potency of the proposed methodology.

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