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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences
Volume 6, Issue 7, 2018, Page No: 31-37

Prevalence and Economic Significance of Hydatidosis in Bovine Slaughtered at Kindo Koysha Woreda Municipality Abattoir, Ethiopia

Dawit Dana

Wolaita sodo univeresity, School of veterinary medicine,Ethiopia.

Citation : Dawit Dana,Prevalence and Economic Significance of Hydatidosis in Bovine Slaughtered at Kindo Koysha Woreda Municipality Abattoir, Ethiopia International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences. 2018, 6(7) :31-37.


A cross-sectional study of bovine hydatidosis was conducted in Bele Municipality Abattoir from December, 2016 to August, 2017 to estimate the prevalence and economic impact of hydatidosis in cattle slaughtered at Bele Municipality Abattoir. Abattoir survey of hydatidosis was conducted during routine meat inspection activity on randomly selected 384 cattle encountered at Bele Municipality Abattoir. Ante-mortem examination was conducted to note the breed, age, sex and body condition of study animals. These animals were given number in order to identify them during the postmortem examination. Post mortem examination was conducted to note the presence of hydatid cysts. A total of 56 (14.57%) cattle were affected with hydatid cyst. The study shows that there was significant variation in the prevalence of hydatid cyst in different peasant association (p < 0.05). However, no such association was observed in prevalence of hydatid cysts according to sex, age, breed and body condition of slaughtered animals (p=0.499, p=0.086, p=0.613, p=0.140, respectively). The study period of the economic loss due to organ condemnation associated to bovine hydatidosis at the abattoir was estimated 6,720.00 Ethiopian Birr. It was concluded that, hydatidosis was one of the most important parasitic diseases in cattle slaughtered at Bele municipal abattoir and thus it deserves due attention

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