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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences
Volume 4, Issue 7, 2016, Page No: 5-11

Dental Education: Detection of the Prevalence of Oral Lesions in Elderly who use Dental Prosthesis through the Dental Record

Maria Vieira de Lima Saintrain* 1, Thamara Manoela Marinho Bezerra2, Thais Guedes Holanda2, Davi Oliveira Bizerril3, Lucio Helio Pereira de Almeida4

1. DDS, Msc, PhD, Pos-doc in Public Health, Professor of University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR, Brazil.
2. DDS, University of Fortaleza, UNIFOR, Brazil.
3. DDS. Msc. Professor of University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR, Brazil.
4. DDS, Msc by University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR, Brazil.

Citation : Maria Vieira de Lima Saintrain*, Thamara Manoela Marinho Bezerra, et. al, Dental Education: Detection of the Prevalence of Oral Lesions in Elderly who use Dental Prosthesis through the Dental Record International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences 2016,4(7) : 5-11.


Introduction: The dental prostheses which the function is to rehabilitate become iatrogenic due to inadequate use.

Objective: To investigate, through records, the prevalence of lesions in oral mucosa of the elderly and its relation with the removable prosthesis.

Methods: Quantitative study based on records of elderly from 60 to 92 years old. From the records of the Dental Clinic of the University of Fortaleza-Ceara, Brazil, we elaborated a form for the collection of data which were analyzed by the Software "Statistical Package for Social Science" - SPSS, version 15 (Chicago, Illinois, USA.).

Results: Among the 756 researched records, 479 belonged to women (63.4%). We verified that 358 (47.3%) elderly used removable prosthesis (superior, inferior or both), 138 (18.3%) had oral lesion. Fungal 59 (42.7%) and traumatic 48 (34.7%) lesions prevailed. There was statistical significance (p< 0.05) between oral lesion and use of prosthesis, oral lesion and type of prosthesis, oral lesion and frequency of use of prosthesis.

Conclusion: Through the records we detected a high prevalence of oral lesions which can be related to the use of inadequate dental prostheses. The records constituted epidemiologic research and student's learning tool, working as a basis for the elaboration of oral health actions to the population.

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