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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences
Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Page No: 53-58

Grief on the Road: A Proposal for the Prevention of Road Traffic Injuries

Maria Vieira de Lima Saintrain1, Christian Marcel Prudent Saintrain2

1.DDS, Msc, PhD, Pos-doc in Public Health, Professor of the Public Health Masters Program, University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR, Brazil*.
2.Electric-electronic Engineering Technician. Ecole Technique de Morlanwelz, Belgium.

Citation :Maria Vieira de Lima Saintrain, Christian Marcel Prudent Saintrain, Grief on the Road: A Proposal for the Prevention of Road Traffic Injuries International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences 2016,4(6) : 53-58.


Introduction: Road traffic injuries are still a major public health problem worldwide.

Objective: To develop soft educational technologies to promote in a simple and clear way the prevention of road traffic injuries.

Methods: Field research that uses original photographs taken in the year 2016 on the road between the cities of Fortaleza and Barbalha in the state of Ceara - Northeastern Brazil. The researchers of the present study - nurtured by scientific curiosity - took pictures of small roadside memorials built by people in memory of their loved ones who were victims of road traffic injuries and violence along the road.

Results: On the road from Fortaleza to Barbalha over 200 roadside memorials highlighted what has been called "GRIEF ON THE ROAD". The photographic material, which symbolized the tragedies, was used to develop soft technologies in the form of warning signs in order to raise awareness about the risks and recklessness in driving motor vehicles.

Conclusion: The evidence of lives cut short by road traffic injuries and the warning signs developed from the photos of the reality that is notoriously exposed along the road can help public policy-makers to raise awareness of vehicle drivers about the human responsibility and sensibility concerning the dangers of noncompliance with traffic laws.

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