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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2016, Page No: 46-54

Historical and Epidemiological Aspects of Some Human Diseases Just to Zika Virus, a Short Review

Rachel Siqueira de Queiroz Simoes1*,Ortrud Monika Barth1

1.Laboratory of Morphology and Viral Morphogenesis, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, Avenida Brasil 4365, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Citation :Rachel Siqueira de Queiroz Simoes,Ortrud Monika Barth, Historical and Epidemiological Aspects of Some Human Diseases Just to Zika Virus, a Short Review International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences 2016,4(4) : 46-54


Currently there are several branches of epidemiology that can be exemplified as the clinical epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases applying epidemiological issues related to diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic principles. Methodological and scientific evidence as to epidemics and pandemics today underlie the hypothetical studies that were previously only in the early empirical assumptions given the lack of a more refined knowledge. The article makes an analytical approach as the distribution of diseases over time the historical point of view making a crossing of infectious diseases to chronic diseases in epidemiological transition presents nowadays.

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