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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Page No: 61-63

Small Bowel Tumors: What the Surgeon Can Not Forget

Aline Vasconcelos de Carvalho1,Arnaldo Costa de Medeiros Junior1,Barbara Monitchelly Fernandes Chaves1,Edlana Reboucas Veloso Guimaraes1,Amalia Cinthia Meneses Rego2,Irami Araujo-Filho3,Aldo Cunha Medeiros4

1.Graduating Medical University Potiguar - Laureate International Universities
2.Director of the School of Health University Potiguar - Laureate International Universities
3.Associate Professor of General Surgery at the University Potiguar - Laureate International Universities
4.Full Professor of General Surgery at the Rio Grande do Norte Federal University

Citation :Aline Vasconcelos de Carvalho,, Small Bowel Tumors: What the Surgeon Can Not Forget International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences 2016,4(2) : 61-63


The jejunum and ileum neoplasms, in addition to rare diseases, have some difficulty of suspicion due to an arsenal of nonspecific signs and symptoms, responsible for diagnostic delay main. Adenocarcinomas, carcinoid tumors, lymphomas and sarcomas are tumors of evil nature, while adenomas, leiomyomas, fibromas and lipomas make up the benign. The general principle of treatment of primary small intestine malignant blastomas is resection with free surgical margins, associated or not to locoregional lymphadenectomy, depending on the histological type and surgical staging of neoplasia.

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