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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences
Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Page No: 30-39

Therapeutic Potency of Citrus Limon (L) Burm. F. (Lemon) Peel Extract Against Some Disease Causing Microorganisms

Ewansiha J.U*2, Garba S.A1, Galadima M1, Daniyan S.Y1, Busari M. B1

1. Department of Microbiology, Federal University of technology Minna, Niger State Nigeria.
2. Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
3. Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology/Global Institute for Bioexploration, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria.

Citation : Ewansiha J.U*, Garba S.A,, Therapeutic Potency of Citrus Limon (L) Burm. F. (Lemon) Peel Extract Against Some Disease Causing Microorganisms International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences 2016,4(11) : 30-39.


The therapeutic potency of Citrus limon L (lemon) peel extract was investigated using reflux extraction, agar well diffusion and dilution methods. In the extraction result, ethanol extract had the highest yield (7.64%) followed closely by ethyl acetate extract (6.68%) while aqueous extract had 3. 83%. There was no hexane extract. 11 phytochemical constituent viz: saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, anthraquinons, volatile oils, resins, phenols cardiac glycosides, tannins, terpenes, and steroids were present in the various extracts. Ethyl acetate and ethanol extract were more active against the test organisms with inhibition zone diameter (IZD) of 7.66±0.33mm as the lowest against S paratyphi C to 12.00±0.57mm against S paratyphi B while 7.00±0.00mm was recorded for aqueous extract against 3 different organisms. S paratyphi B and Streptococcus pyogenes were more susceptible to the peel extract as a lower MIC and corresponding MBC of 12.5mg/ml and 50mg/ml respectively was recorded against the two organisms while S paratyphi C and Salmonella typhi were the most resistant organisms with MBC above 100mg/ml recorded against both organisms. The result of this study reveals that the peel extract of Citrus limon possess antimicrobial potency against the test organisms and therefore can be further purified to develop drug for the treatment and control of infections caused by these pathogens.

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