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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 7, 2018, Page No: 7-10

Agroecological Situation of Proposals, Problems and Solving Ways in Garbage Azerbaijan

Prof. RAE. Aliev Z.H

Institute of Soil Science and Agro chemistry of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Citation : Prof. RAE. Aliev Z.H, Agroecological Situation of Proposals, Problems and Solving Ways in Garbage Azerbaijan International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2018, 4(7) : 7-10


Afforestation and anthropogenic impacts of the primitive Torpag, grass cover and mainly pastures (degradation areas), degradation and degradation of forest ecosystems have led to considerable sharp reduction of the feed base in the Northern region. For a well-known purpose, Malik is a characteristic feature of Duran's relevance to the Agrarian Elmi, with a comprehensive approach to evaluating the agroeco-logical viewpoint of the existing and cultivated pasture production in the territory of the country, using Comprehensive Approach to Comprehensive Approach. Gobustan A detailed analysis of the five agroecological conditions of the winter pastures conducted by the district, the assessment of land and agrochemical groupings, etc. it is emphasized that it is necessary to carry out transport complex measures on improvement of complexes in wintered areas.

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