Rice Parboiling and Effluent Treatment Models; a Review
S. Sayanthan1*, Y. Thusyanthy1
Citation : S. Sayanthan, Y. Thusyanthy, Rice Parboiling and Effluent Treatment Models; a Review International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2018, 4(5) : 17-23
Paddy parboiling is an important aspect of rice processing which determines to a large extent. It is a hydrothermal treatment of the rice kernels. Parboiled rice might sound like it's precooked, but it's not; Instead, It's processed quite differently from other types of rice. Water is the most important factor involves in the preprocessing of rice, and after processing a certain quantity of water will be exerted as waste water, rather than the absorbed water by paddy. The effluents discharged by these rice processing industries pose an ecological hazard to human beings as well as pollute the water and soil as it contains it contains high amount of organic matter, high chemical oxygen demand, high biological oxygen demand and high amount of phosphate. Therefore the treatment of such effluent is highly essential to render the effluents suitable for discharge into surface water or on land. There are several types of treatment models which are successfully proven by the researchers such as Coagulation / Flocculation, Bio remediation, Treatment by bio reactor, Photo remediation and Chemical treatment.