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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 4, Issue 12, 2018, Page No:31-37

New Narrow Inter-Row Spacing for Maximizing Groundnut Yield under Rain-Fed Conditions of North Kordofan State, Sudan

Yasir E.Mohammed1, Ahmed M. El Naim2*, Salih E.Elsheikh1, Elgailani A.Abdalla1, Tarig E.Ahmed1, Abdelatif A.Sulaiman1, Omer A.Bakhit1

1.Agricultural Research Corporation, Elobied Research Station, Sudan.
2.Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan,Elobeid, Sudan.

Citation : Yasir E.Mohammed, New Narrow Inter-Row Spacing for Maximizing Groundnut Yield under Rain-Fed Conditions of North Kordofan State, Sudan International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2018, 4(12) : 31-37.


The experiment was conducted for three consecutive seasons (2013, 2014 and 2015), at Elobeid Research Station research farm (12°-13° N, 3°-14° E), under rain fed conditions, to study the effect of plant spacing on hay and pod yield of groundnut variety Geibish. Six treatment combinations (60, 40 and 30 for inter-row and 20 and 15 for intra-row spacing) were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) factorial with four replications. Days to fifty percent flowering were significant in season 2014 and 2015. The earliest flowering days were recorded for the spacing of 30X20 cm. reducing plant spacing from 60X20 cm to 30X20 cm decreased the number of weeds before first and second weeding to 50%. High significant difference (P ≤ 5) among treatments in hay and pod yield of 2643.5 kg/ha and2065.0 kg/ha were recorded for the spacing of 30X20cm, respectively, the treatment combination of 30X20 cm increased the pods 66.1% and hay yield 52.2% on average across all season. Significant differences (P ≤5) were showed between treatments in number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod for enter row. No significant differences (P ≤5) were observed between treatments in shelling percent, maturity, harvest index

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