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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 3, Issue 12, 2017, Page No: 1-7

Reducing Phytic Acid from Sudanese Sorghum Bicolor (F.G) Using Simple Technique Methods

Omar Eltyeb Omara Ahmed

Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, Graduate Collage, Faculty of Agriculture Studies, Sudan.

Citation :Omar Eltyeb Omara Ahmed, Reducing Phytic Acid from Sudanese Sorghum Bicolor (F.G) Using Simple Technique Methods International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2017,3(12) : 1-7


An Experiment was conducted to reduce phytic acid from Sudanese Sorghum bicolor local name Feterita Gadarif (F.G) using a simple technique method. Approximate Analysis was done to determine the nutrition value of the grains before and after processing methods, to measure the change of nutrient content after processing treatments. The treatments of processing were divided into five methods of process, in addition of control (unprocessed cereal) such as dehulling, germination, soaking, vitamin C and storing methods respectively to reduce phytic acid content of the grains. The treatments shown significant decrease (p>0.05) in phytic acid contents of the processed sorghum as compared with unprocessed one (control). The highest loss of phytate registered in germination method (98%) followed by vitamin C treatment (86.2%), soaking (78.6%), storing (59.6) and dehulling method respectively. There were a significant increase (p>0.05) in metabolic energy. Ca, Fe and P of cereal nutrients content, obtained after processing operation by method of germination and some slight decrease of protein content of all processed grains.

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