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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume 3, Issue 11, 2017, Page No: 46-56

Frontier Model of Large Scale Full Mechanized Hybrid Rice Farming System at Irrigated Rice Field in Indonesia


1.Indonesian Centre for Food Crop Research and Development (ICFORD) Jl. Merdeka 147, Bogor 16111,Indonesia.
2.Indonesian Centre for Agricultural Land Resource Research and Development (ICALRRD), Jl.Tentara Pelajar No.12, Bogor 16111, Indonesia

Citation :I.M.O.Adnyana,I.G.M.Subiksa,I.M.J.Mejaya, Frontier Model of Large Scale Full Mechanized Hybrid Rice Farming System at Irrigated Rice Field in Indonesia, International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 2017,3(11) : 46-56


Indonesia rice self sufficiency targeted goal may not be realistic if mainly depend upon Java with population almost half of Indonesia from total population at about 240 million people in 2013. It is a right time then to find out a frontier model of rice production technology in Indonesia for newly open area or corporate farming to meet increasing rice consumption in line with population increase. With estate approach and or consolidation of rice farming management for small scale farmers in a corporate frontier model could increase farmer bargaining position. The objectives of this study is to: (1) measure the hybrid rice adaptability to the location specific agro-climate condition, (2) verify and validate rice production technology in a frontier model of large scale full mechanized rice farming, and (3) analyse the financial feasibility level of large scale full mechanized hybrid rice farming. Best Management Practices (BMP) was exercised in a demonstration farm (dem-farm) approach to evaluate and analyse this rice production frontier model in-demfarm-activities. Dem-farm is conducted at 12.3 ha at nearly level rice plot size in PT. Sang Hyang Seri rice field, Sukamandi, Subang District, West Java in second dry cropping season (June-October 2014). The output of dem-farm showed that large scale full mechanized rice farming is highly prospective to be outreached at newly open area with estate and or corporate farming approach for existing farmers group. However, for large scale field practices, some component technologies need to be improved especially: GPS guided land levelling; crop needs base water management, and weed management. Average hybrid rice yield is about 10.29 ton/ha that significantly higher compared with inbred rice yield of 8.71 ton/ha. On the other hand, financial analysis outputs showed that this frontier model of large scale rice farming practices is financially feasible with R/C and B/C ratio is 2.23 and 1.23, respectively, while marginal B/C ratio (MBCR) is 2.97 compared with farmer practices.

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