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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume-2 Issue-2, 2016, Page No: 28-35

Mitigation of the Global Threat of Septoria Leaf Blotch of Cereals in Algeria

A.Benbelkacem*, C.Djenadi**,H.Meamiche**

1.INRA Algeria, Elkhroub field crops Exp.station, 25100.
2.National Agronomic Research Institute, CRP Mehdi Boualem, Baraki. Algiers.

Citation : Mitigation of the Global Threat of Septoria Leaf Blotch of Cereals in Algeria International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences . 2016;2(2):28-35.


Septoria tritici (Mycosphaerella graminicola) and Septoria nodorum (Leptosphaeria nodorum) causal agents of Septoria leaf blotch of wheat occur throughout the major wheat growing regions in Algeria. The Septoria diseases are the source of major damage on susceptible varieties on bread and durum wheat. Surveys have been performed during the three last seasons covering most wheat growing areas of eastern (, and sub- littoral regions (Guelma, Souk Ahras, Constantine, Mila, Skikda and Bouira). The disease development was always observed except during last season where excessive drought conditions prevailed from stem elongation to boot stage of the plants. Septoria diseases were more prevalent in coastal and sub-littoral areas where risk is very high. The surveys also revealed the presence of both septoria species (M. tritici and L. nodorum), but septoria tritici was by far more prevalent. The National Wheat improvement Program conducted in collaboration with ICARDA conducts routine screening for resistance to septoria since the last decade; a collection of 80 durum wheat and 80 genotypes of bread wheat was tested under natural conditions at the septoria hot spot of Oued Smar (litoral center) representing high rainfall areas served as a trap nursery. Foliar diseases are normally expressed each year under these field conditions. Several wheat lines that carry resistance to Septoria leaf blotch were identified and being now used as parents to improve septoria resistance in our locally adapted varieties.

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