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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences
Volume-1 Issue-5, 2015, Page No: 14-20

Determinants of Commercial Production of Wet and Dry Seasons Telferia in Eleme, Nigeria

Precious Tee, Egbe Bassey Etowa, Eleoke Chikwe Chukuigwe

Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria

Citation : Precious Tee, Egbe Bassey Etowa, Eleoke Chikwe Chukuigwe, Determinants of Commercial Production of Wet and Dry Seasons Telferia in Eleme, Nigeria International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences . 2015;1(5):14-20.


The study assessed the predictors of commercial scale outputs in wet season vis-à-vis dry season telferia farming. One hundred (100) respondents were drawn using a multistage random sampling technique from farming communities in Eleme, Nigeria. Logistic regression model was adjudged appropriate for the analysis. Results of this analysis showed that women were more likely to produce the vegetable in commercial quantities and more so in the wet season than in dry season. Increased inputs of family labour hours in wet season resulted in marketable surplus whereas extra costs in terms of hired labour was required to produce on a commercial scale in the dry season. Whereas increased seed cost shrank output to subsistence level in wet season, increased sales price motivated commercial production of telferia in dry season. Also, educational experience influenced the choice of commercial scale production in both seasons.

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