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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 20-27

Doctoral Research Supervision-Team Approach and Perspective of Socratic Method at the University of Rwanda (UR): Opportunity for Innovation

Father Dr. Lucien Hakizimana*

University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB), Rwanda.

Citation : Father Dr. Lucien Hakizimana, Doctoral Research Supervision-Team Approach and Perspective of Socratic Method at the University of Rwanda (UR): Opportunity for Innovation International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2019, 5(1) : 20-27.


This study investigated how the "Doctoral research supervision-team approach and perspective of Socratic Method can improve innovation at the University of Rwanda (UR). It has been proved that most of doctoral candidates are stuck along their research and then they have difficulties to have enough findings. Doctoral research supervision-team approach (2 or 3 supervisors per 1 doctoral candidate) has been adopted by UR as a way of mitigation. Eighty-seven per cent (87%) of our respondents attested that this approach helps doctoral candidates to work together with their supervisors and hence there is a possibility of innovation. With research supervision-team, one hundred per cent (100%) of doctoral candidates confirmed that they may have a wide range of knowledge, abilities and confidence, but all (supervisors and supervisee) should work toward the same goal.

This research was guided by the following objectives: the main objective was to prove how doctoral research supervision-team approach embedded with Socratic Method can improve doctoral candidates' innovation. Specific objective was to discover how Socratic Method reduces candidates' lack of confidence in their doctoral research.

The methods used were quantitative and qualitative. Findings of this study showed that there is a quality improvement in doctoral research when supervisors are working in team what enhances innovation at UR.

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