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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 12-19

The Design of Banyankole Traditional House: Power Dimensions, Hospitality and Bedroom Dynamics

Emmanuel Mutungi*

Department of Art and Industrial Design, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Kyambogo University, Uganda.

Citation : Emmanuel Mutungi, The Design of Banyankole Traditional House: Power Dimensions, Hospitality and Bedroom Dynamics International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2019, 5(1) : 12-19.


This paper analyses the design layout of a traditional Kinyankole house in which the design was meant to promote and strengthen family power dimensions, bedroom dynamics and hospitality. In many societies, culture embodies values, beliefs and customs, it is a social function that brings out the society's identity, solidarity and how traditions and shared values are communicated among members and also preserved. Basing on tacit knowledge, I interviewed five elders about the social connotation and meaning of the Banyankole house design, the material culture items used in the home. I used in-depth informal interviews to gather information that enabled i to provide the explanations for the Banyankole house design. First, i argue that the house design epitomized the power structure in which families and the entire community were governed. Second, the design showed how welcoming and organized the families were. Third, the layout of the bedrooms represented respect and strategy of the bedroom dynamics. I conclude by observing that some aspects of indigenous designs need to be adopted into contemporary designs because the design promoted values and respect among family and community members

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