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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2018, Page No: 6-16

Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme Transforming Lives of Communities in Rwanda: Case of Huye Sector of Huye District

Dr.Isaboke Peter Kennedy Nyataya1*, Ong'esa Lorna Nyaboke2, Dr.Moses Nyandusi Matundura3

1.Senior Lecturer and Director of Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance, University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies-Rwanda.
2.Hospitality Management Instructor, Akilah Institute of Women-Rwanda.
3.Lecturer, University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies-Rwanda.

Citation : Dr.Isaboke Peter Kennedy Nyataya,Ong'esa Lorna Nyaboke,Dr.Moses Nyandusi Matundura, Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme Transforming Lives of Communities in Rwanda: Case of Huye Sector of Huye District International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2018, 4(2) : 6-16


The present research focused on the contribution made through VUP services directed towards the enhancement of socio-economic conditions of communities in Huye Sector of Huye District in the Southern Province of Rwanda. The study mainly at examining the extent to which the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP) has influenced the socio-economic development of communities in Huye Sector. Besides, assessing the participation of the selected respondents and the effects of VUP Public works in the selected sector. Descriptive case study research design was adopted for the study. For data collection, the researcher made use of questionnaire method, interview as well as focus group discussion method to collect primary data. A sample of forty( 40) respondents was selected from the four hundred and five(405) beneficiaries of the VUP in Huye Sector of Huye District. The Slovin's Formula was used to select representative sample size of the study. The collected data for the study was then analysed and interpreted accordingly and presented in the form of tables, charts and graphs. The findings of the prsent study may benefit policy planners in the local government on education and gender, besides, social development agencies in general, operating in the selected sector and its environs. The data gathered through the study might also used while designing for various development programmes such as those relating to poverty alleviation, education, employment, credit, public and community health as well as nutritional programme. The study covered the period 2012-2016. It was revealed that the beneficiaries of VUP held good views on the programme and the programme has enhanced the socio economic lives of the communities in the Huye Sector. The recommendations derived from the findings were addressed to the Government of Rwanda, especially Huye District administrators and Academics. The researchers recommend that the programme should strive to improve its efficiency in its payment and public work implementation systems; ensuring timely and predictable payment to its beneficiaries is critical for the VUP to be able to fulfill its social protection objectives. The local government should strengthen its monitoring system for the programme. Budget allocation for the programme in Huye Sector should also be reviewed with a view to ensuring that the VUP intervention areas benefit the targeted communities so as to uplift them from the wide spreading poverty in the area. Besides, the sector should train the would-be beneficiaries the programme in entrepreneurship skills to prepare and facilitate them to quickly establish enterprises using the cash support to be received through the VUP in the area.

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