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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 10-20

Reviving Nursing Sector in India- A Sociologist's Perspective

C. Somashekher

Professor, Department of Sociology, Bangalore University, Bangalore-560056.

Citation :C. Somashekher, Reviving Nursing Sector in India- A Sociologist's Perspective International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology 2017,3(4) : 10-20


Nursing which provides care for the sick and infirm, is one of the noblest professions in which nurses, committed to recoup the sick back to good health, performduties suppressing their obligations to family, sacrificing freedom to live a life of their own affecting their quality and conditions of life.In a populous country like India, the nursing profession plays an even more important role since owing to a very low ratio of nurses to the number of patients. This study reveals that poor training, outdated curriculum and the near absence of trained faculty in nursing colleges hobble the growth of nursing profession in the country. Naturally, good jobs are hard to come by for graduating nurses, most among whom eventually land up with contractual jobs. In other words, the supply glut is exploited by their employers to the hilt. Nurses are lacking in soft skills, with which they could have been more effective in dealing with the patients and in inspiring confidence in them. A sociological perspective in dealing with contemporary issues confronting the nursing sector appears to be very much called for. After all, the ability of nursing profession to positively impact the quality of life of nursing community canin turn enable the nursing community to improve their quality of service to the society as a whole, the findings seem to suggest that, among other things, the nursing community needs to be adequately and appropriately compensated and incentivized to ensure that at least the skilled and committed segment among them is retained in the interest of national health and national welfare.

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