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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Geography
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 52-60

A Situational Analysis of Water Resources in Darjeeling Municipal Town: Issues and Challenges

Dr. Sherap Bhutia

Assistant Professor (W.B.E.S.), Department of Geography, Darjeeling Government College Government of West Bengal, P.O. Darjeeling, West Bengal, India.

Citation : Sherap Bhutia, A Situational Analysis of Water Resources in Darjeeling Municipal Town: Issues and Challenges International Journal of Research in Geography 2017,3(4) : 52-60.


Water is life and is an absolute basic necessity which plays a very vital role in our day to day life. One of the most important civic amenities provided by Darjeeling Municipality is supply of drinking water. Sources of water supply in the Darjeeling Town are mainly the natural springs; these springs directly depend upon the topography and its rainfall. It is a known fact to the people of Darjeeling from every walks of life that the Darjeeling Town is supplied with drinking water from twin Senchal lakes (South Lake with capacity of 13 million gallons built in 1910 & North Lake with capacity of 20 million gallons built in 1932) having its source from 26 number of perennial springs in the Senchal Catchments Area, which is 15 kms. away from Darjeeling Town. Now due to indiscriminate deforestation and illegal construction near the catchments area, out of 26 springs only 14 springs are continue to exist. The study reveals that Darjeeling Municipal Town is still suffering by the heavy storage of water supply and the per capita availability of water in the town. Darjeeling requires a daily supply of about 15-18 lakh gallons of water. During the dry period, the municipality can supply only about 7-8 lakh gallons. The present population of Darjeeling town is more than 1.18 lakhs with 21,782 number of households and with the opening of schools, colleges and tourist flow, population is added by another 1 to 2 lakhs. Therefore it is to conclude that the people of Darjeeling town have to depend on rain water harvesting and on private water carrier because of scarcity of water in this hill town.

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