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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 5, Issue 3, 2019, Page No: 10-15

Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) & Engineering Options (EOs) as a Solution for Climate Change induced Flood Hazard in Ajgada Village of Udayapur District, Nepal

Mr. Anjan Kumar Phoju1, Dr. Dinesh Chandra Devkota2, Mr. Tej Kumar Shrestha3*, Mr.Pawan Paudyal4, Ms. Sharmila Bajracharya5

1. Senior Program/ M&E Officer, IDS-Nepal.
2.Visiting Professor, CDES TU and Advisor IDS-Nepal.
3.Faculty, Khwopa College, Dekocha, Bhaktapur & Managing Director, Lumbini Environmental Services Pvt. Ltd.
4.Program Coordinator, Lumbini Environmental Services Pvt. Ltd.
5.Environment & Social Analyst, Dolma Advisors Pvt. Ltd.

Citation : Tej Kumar Shrestha,, Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) & Engineering Options (EOs) as a Solution for Climate Change induced Flood Hazard in Ajgada Village of Udayapur District, NepalInternational Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2019, 5(3) :10-15.


Nepal is particularly susceptible to climate-related disasters and experiences frequently landslides, debris flow and floods because of its varied topography and geological characteristics, together with torrential rain during the monsoon season. Today, there is need of finding better options to adapt with the effect of climate change. This research is based on a case study of Ksedi River catchment, Ajgada village of Hadiya in Udayapur district of Nepal, tries to demonstrate the best options for dealing with flood for making sustainability with long-term benefits. This research recommends Ecosystem based Adaptation and Engineering Options that are feasible in the village and watershed area to reduce the flood impacts. It is recommended for reforestation of upland forest areas, prioritization of adaptation options to receive maximum benefits and further detail study of EbA considering Payment of Ecosystem Services.

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