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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 8-16

The Consumption of Bushmeat in Tombel, Southwest Region,

Melle Ekane Maurice*, Nkwatoh Athanasius Fuashi, Etane Sandrine Manyi, Ekabe Quenter Mbinde

Department of Environmental Science, University of Buea, Cameroon

Citation :: Melle Ekane Maurice,, The Consumption of Bushmeat in Tombel, Southwest Region, Cameroon International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2017,3(4) : 8-16.


Bushmeat is an important source of protein and income to the local inhabitants of Tombel. With the rapid growth in human population in Cameroon, the exploitation of wildlife for bushmeat is becoming unsustainable and is threatening both the existence of wildlife populations and the livelihoods of people depending on it. The aim of this study was to examine some behaviours of the residents of Tombel on bushmeat consumption. In the course of the study about five hundred and fifty questionnaires were administered to the people of Tombel town and its neighbouring villages. The study has shown a significance on Reasons and the Seasonal consumption of bushmeat in Tombel, X² = 24.3 df= 2 at P<0.05, and R² = 0.715 at P < 0.05 respectively. There was more availability of bushmeat in the dry season 51.8% than in the wetseason 48.4%. The tradition of trapping and hunting wildlife for bushmeat is facilitated by the dry forest floorof mount Kupe ecological zone. Inaddition, there was a significance between Profession and the Awareness of wildlife conservation laws X² = 14.5 df = 3 at P<0.05. Furthermore, this study revealed that despite the knowledge on wildlife restriction laws, the people of Tombel 28.3% on office workers, 27.8% on the business class, 26.8% on farmers, and 17.2% on the student population seem not to be affected by the reinforcement of the government wildlife restrictions. A decrease in hunting and trapping rate is going to increase scarcity of wildlife, hence, would discourage bushmeat consumption. Thus, the national government is recommended to create jobs for the youths so that the wildlife management in mount kupe forest should be effective.

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