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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Research in Environmental Science
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2017, Page No: 20-36

Effect of Housing Condition and Environmental Sanitation on the Residents of Oyo State, Nigeria

OWOLABI,Babatunde Oluwaseyi(Ph.D)

Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Federal University of Technology Akure,Akure, Nigeria

Citation :OWOLABI,Babatunde Oluwaseyi(Ph.D), Effect of Housing Condition and Environmental Sanitation on the Residents of Oyo State, Nigeria International Journal of Research in Environmental Science 2017,3(3) : 20-36


The study investigates effect of housing condition and environmental sanitation in Ogbomoso north local government. The questionnaire designed was randomly administered to 164 residents in the 10 wards of the local government area to obtain relevant information on the socio economic characteristics of the respondents as well as their view on housing and environmental condition. This served as the primary data. Secondary data were collected through the consultation of books, documents, maps and unpublished theses. The result observed that, there is low level of male respondents than the females with 53.0 percent and 45.1 percent respectively. It also revealed that most of the houses were (occupied mostly by tenants 52.4 percent) are face-to-face (70.7 percent), a considerable proportion of the houses are not only deteriorating (62.8percent) but fairly accessible by roads (25.6 percent). This is coupled with the observed inadequacy of basic facilities and services as reflected in pit latrine constituting (36.6 percent) and bush type (31.7 percent) as the major sanitary system. A significant number of the houses are very dissatisfied in the location of their kitchen. This study recommends that there is a need to educate the public on the importance of environmental sanitation and its impacts on their well being. The government should also provide improved and effective ways of waste collection, potable water and the provision of sewage facilities in order to create a conducive environment, for the health, well-being and sanitary environment of our people and homes

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