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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Political Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 30-34

Practical Politics of Machiavellii and Kautilya

Dr. Shiv Balak Prasad

Professor and Former Head, University Department of Political Science, B.N. Mandal University, Laloo Nagar, Madhepura, Bihar (India)

Citation :Dr. Shiv Balak Prasad, Practical Politics of Machiavellii and Kautilya International Journal of Political Science ,2017;3(1):30-34.


Political thought is thought about the state, its structure, its nature and its purpose. Really its concern is with nothing less than '-the moral phenomena of human behavior in society"-. There is practically no limit to what statesman can do, provided he understands the rules of his art. He can tear down old states and build new ones, changes forms of governments, transplant populations, and build new virtues into the characters of his subjects. If a ruler lacks soldiers, he need blame no one but himself, for he should have adopted measures to correct the cowardice and efficiency of his people. The law- giver is the architect not only of the state but of society as well, with all its moral-religious and economics institutions.

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