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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Political Science
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017, Page No: 10-13

An Empirical Study of Growth of Slum Population in India

Dr. S. Kumar Swami

Lecturer in Political Science, Kamala Nehru Women's College, Bhubaneswar, India.

Citation :Dr. S. Kumar Swami, An Empirical Study of Growth of Slum Population in India International Journal of Political Science ,2017;3(1):10-13.


In India due to rapid industrialization, lack of employment opportunities in rural areas , low wages, ineffective land reforms etc about one third of the population live in slums and the like conditions in urban areas .Likewise about 27 percentage of population occupy only 5 percentage of the urban land area. These unimproved slums are characterized by overcrowding dilapidated structures, Unhygienic living conditions, grossly inadequate basic amenities, unplanned layouts and poor accessibility. Hence slum dwellers need to be enlightened on their potential contributions for ensuring sustainable development in the urban areas. Therefore there is necessity to promote policies that would help to improve their social and economic life and to reduce the imbalances in income level and standard of life.

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