Prospects of Oil and Gas Production of Sedimentary Complexes under the Basalts of Deccan Plateau (India)
Citation :V.S.Staroseltsev,K.V.Staroseltsev, Prospects of Oil and Gas Production of Sedimentary Complexes under the Basalts of Deccan Plateau (India) International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering 2017,3(4) : 97-101
Basaltic covers are developed on the Indian platform on the area of 500 thousand km2. The most extensive basalt plateau forms the Deccan tableland. In contrast to the basaltic plateaus of Eastern Siberia, South America and Africa, the Deccan depression did not experience regional intensive subsidence before the appearance of trap magmatism, but narrow deep aulacogens were formed from the end of the Carboniferous to the beginning of the Cretaceous. The largest of them are connected with the Narmada-Son lineament and the Bombay coast, which in essence pre-determine the location of the most oil and gas - promising zones connected by the basaltic complex of Hindustan.