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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019, Page No:19-27

Impact of E-Banking on the Development of Banking Sector in Nigeria

Dr. Abbas Umar Ibrahim1*, Dr. Cross Ogohi Daniel2

1.Department of Business Administration, Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria.
2.Departments of Public Administration/Banking and Finance, Nile University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria.

Citation : Dr. Abbas Umar Ibrahim, Dr. Cross Ogohi Daniel, Impact of E-Banking on the Development of Banking Sector in Nigeria International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2019 , 7(2) : 19-27.


Automation through computer network has become a necessity in the world of banking today thus this research work sets out to investigate the impact of electronic banking in the development of Nigerian banking sector. Electronic banking has become a very important and indispensable too1 for the present survival and growth of financial institutions considering the dramatic increase in the number of banks in Nigeria in recent years. The methodology of the study as discussed in Chapter three it comprises of the research and questionnaire design, data collection and data analysis techniques. The Main research question, Research questions and Questions were used in the course of this research work. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that electronic banking has both negative and positive impact in the Nigerian banking sector. While it has greatly improved service delivery on the positive angle but on the negative side, it is prone to electronic fraud and unauthorized access to information.

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