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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 6, Issue 8, 2018, Page No: 34-41

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Dr. Ing. Anna Rostomyan1*, Dr. Armen Rostomyan2

1. PORSCHE AG ARM Recruiter, University of Fribourg, Independent Research Group Member, Switzerland.
2. Autohaus LLC, After Sales Director, University of Fribourg, Independent Research Group Member, Switzerland.

Citation : Ing. Anna Rostomyan, Dr. Armen Rostomyan, Emotional Intelligence in Leadership International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2018 , 6(8) : 34-41.


Nowadays, in today's globalized world there is an urgent need of good and effectively proficient leaders, more than ever before. Any employer in any field has come to the understanding that human resources are the most important capital and the main potential in the blossoming and success of any business, and hence, should be given their appropriate place, sufficient significance and proper value.

If we look at the evolution of business administration, we can pinpoint that nowadays we have reached a state where we need to understand everything on the social "neuro-" level. The present paper looks at leadership at the level "neuro" where we unveil how some self-aware leaders lead their own and other peoples" brains using a strong arsenal of Emotional Intelligence (Goleman 1995).

To better understand the concept of Neuroleadership, we need to first understand the leader, its human self, its inner world, emotions, feelings, belief, desires (Bass 1985), that truly inspire him or her to commit himself/herself to attaining great results in this or that field of enterprise. Besides, we address today"s challenges that most leaders in organizations are faced with: how to choose the right staff both with the correct IQ and right personal and social skills that altogether build the overall EQ of the person.

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