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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 6, Issue 6, 2018, Page No: 9-15

Finance as a Competitiveness Factor in Mexican Beef Industry

Antonio Emmanuel Perez Brito, Maria Marlene Martin Mendez, Karla Patricia Quintal Gordillo

Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Mexico.

Citation : Antonio Emmanuel Perez Brito, Finance as a Competitiveness Factor in Mexican Beef Industry International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2018 , 6(6) : 9-15.


This paper's objective is to show that finance could be considered as a factor of competitiveness with regard to the analysis as suggested by David (2003), which is based on the use of financial information; the criterion of Sallenave (1994) and Gitman (1986), who consider profitability and funding as components. Owners of 30 cattle ranches were included in the state surveys, with each ranch having at least 1,000 head of cattle. The study was quantitative, and used a multiple linear regression model. The results were that the use of financial information, the profitability and funding are components of finance factor, being the profitability, relatively more important.

Keywords: Finance, Competitiveness, Bovine Livestock Industry, Mexican.

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