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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 12-18

Teacher Opinions on Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Interactive White Board in Primary School


Sakarya Universitesi Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitusu, Sakarya.

Citation : Bilal ERSAN, Teacher Opinions on Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Interactive White Board in Primary School International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2018 , 6(4) : 12-18


It is thought that the use of Interactive White Board ( IWB ) generally contributes to the education and training process and is advantageous compared to other boards. However, it is very important for users to decide whether this is right or wrong. In this study, the advantages and disadvantages of IWB use were tried to be determined. Our study is a qualitative research in the pattern of state examination. The working group formed a teacher in different branches (f: 43) who worked in a primary school in the 2015-2016 school year. Data obtained by open- ended research questions are analyzed by frequency analysis, coding technique and descriptive content analysis. As a result of the analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of using IWB in the view of participants' opinions were determined and solutions were suggested

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