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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 8, 2017, Page No: 38-46

Strategic Human Resource Practices that Influence Management of Transition in Government Departments in Kenya

Paul GichukiKariuki1,Peter NjugunaWaichungo2

1.Human Resource Manager-NCA/KU student, KENYA
2.Youth development officer/JKUAT student, KENYA

Citation :Strategic Human Resource Practices that Influence Management of Transition in Government Departments in Kenya International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(8) : 38-46


This study focused on strategic human resources practices that influence the success or failure of transition management and survival of government department in Kenya. The study considered transition in government departments as a strategic issues that cannot be left to fate if the if efficient and effective service delivery has to be realized in performance management. The study identified strategic planning, organization structure, and succession planning, as the independent variables that determine successful transition management in government departments. A descriptive survey and focus group methods in KSG and NCA respectively were used to collect and analyze data in Kenya School of Government Senior management class 221 which had 58 participants and a group of 23 employees of NCA have discussed transition management in organizations. Purposive sampling techniques were used for descriptive statistics and content analysis used to analyze data and to present the findings. The study found that a focus on strategic planning, responsive organization structures, and succession planning, were important determinants of the successful transition management in government departments from one generation or form of government to the next. These findings are relevant individual managers and the governmental policy makers in Kenya who are involved in any ransition management either in their daily duties or when successive government assumes office after general elections. The study recommended the need examine the extent to moral values, integrity, professionalism and staff development impact a smooth transition process.

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