An Investigation into the Implementation of a Total Quality Management System to Improve Operational Performance at a Fleet Management Company within a Government Organisation
Mr Neeren Juganath, Mrs Nellie Naranjee
Citation :Mr Neeren Juganath, Mrs Nellie Naranjee, An Investigation into the Implementation of a Total Quality Management System to Improve Operational Performance at a Fleet Management Company within a Government Organisation International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(2) : 31-48
With the evolution of the business world all stakeholders have become more prone to ensuring that they do receive the best product or service for their financial sacrifice. The mitigation of the traditional approach to facilitating business has seen the rise of the new era, today commonly known as "Total Quality Management" (TQM), which has for a lengthy period being effectively adjudicated in the manufacturing and production concern and has recently seen rise to the service related industry. The initiative circumnavigating the intention behind this study was to ensure effective resource utilisation with optimum output in order to facilitate an investigation into the implementation of a total quality management system to improve operational performance at a fleet management company within a government organisation. The study was geographically aligned to a local municipality within Kwazulu Natal.