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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 5, Issue 11, 2017, Page No: 1-7

Impact of Training Programs on Human Development: A study on Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh

Md. Rafiul Islam

Lecturer of Accounting; Pundra University of Science &Technology, Gokul , Bogra-5800, Bangladesh.

Citation :Md. Rafiul Islam, Impact of Training Programs on Human Development: A study on Private Commercial Banks of BangladeshInternational Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2017,5(11) : 1-7


The study focuses on impact of training program on the human development (basically skill development of Employee) in Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. Different types of training programs have been considered to find out the authentic result. To serves the objectives of the study different variables like, Frequency of training, methods of training, quality of training etc been considered. In this study the researcher studies the existing practices of the various aspects of training program and its effectiveness in Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted among Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh to identify the methods and techniques used to train the employee private banking sector in Bangladesh. The findings (Hypothesis test) show that there is positive impact of training program on human development in Bangladeshi Commercial Banking sector.

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