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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 9, 2016, Page No: 1-9

The Historic Turn in Organization Theory. An Epistemological Enquiry

Enrico Beltramini

Notre Dame de Namur University

Citation : Enrico Beltramini, The Historic Turn in Organization Theory. An Epistemological Enquiry International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(9) : 1-9


This paper explores the power history holds for advancing organization studies and suggests that the historic turn in organization theory can 1) result in a new space for the application of organizational analysis; 2) work as an hermeneutical framework in a more self-conscious attempt to locate organization studies within their own histories; or 3) transform organization studies into 'new historicism,' a literary genre. The paper investigates the intellectual roots of history as a discipline, and confirm the discipline as a stubborn bastion of empiricism/positivism, although exhibiting an increasing loss of appetite for naturalism. The paper also surveys historians' attempts to maintain a privileged third ground between natural science and literature, a tactic that resembles organization scholarship, and details the growing fascination with current reconceptualizations of the theory of history that lead to the notion of history as a form of narrative.

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