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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Page No: 73-88

Systematizing Corporate Decision-Making in a Complex World

Barnim G. Jeschke1, Nils Mahnke1

1.Professor for Sustainable Management at FOMUniversity of Applied Sciences,Munich;

Citation : Barnim G.Jeschke,Nils Mahnke, Systematizing Corporate Decision-Making in a Complex World International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(8) : 73-88


Corporate decision-making is characterized by its underlying complexity. Related challenges include the anticipation of environmental dynamics and of a multi-perspective stakeholder view that also considers longterm interdependencies among an ever-widening array of relevant forces. How can such claims be transformed into corporate management sense? How can they be instrumental in conceptualizing and implementing "better" strategies?

With SUDEST ("Sustainable Decision Support Tool"), a prescriptive approach is introduced, transforming the bio-cybernetics of applied system's theory into pragmatic analysis and advice. Based on a holistic, integrative view, direct and indirect relations amongst system constituents are considered, evaluated and chronologically mapped.

SUDEST allows the appreciation of non-linear system effects. Both, hard and soft facts are described and translated into matrix logic to draw a valid picture of the underlying situation and to add value for complex decision-making.

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