The Model Development of Internet-Based In-House Training for Kindergarten Teachers in Bogor, Indonesia
Farida Wulandari1, Billy Tunas1, Rita Retnowati1
Citation : Farida Wulandari,Billy Tunas,Rita Retnowati, The Model Development of Internet-Based In-House Training for Kindergarten Teachers in Bogor, Indonesia International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(8) : 67-72
This research was triggered by the arising problem in kindergarten teachers whose low teaching capability as the result of lack training caused by factors such as teachers do not have the funds to pay for the training, the school does not provide training facilities due to lack of school budget, as well as the difficulty of getting teacher training opportunities provided by the government. Besides, the teachers do not use the internet facility on their hand-phone to seek knowledge effectively. Hand-phone is used only for communication. To solve this problem it is necessary to develop a model of internet-based in-house training as an alternative effort in organizing effective and efficient in-house training to develop teaching skills. Based on the findings of the study, an internet based in-house training model is recommended. The design model consists of input, process and output. Output of the model development of internet based in-house training is proven to increase the ability of kindergarten teachers in organizing in-house training and developing teaching capabilities.