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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 8, 2016, Page No: 43-56

Perceived Service Quality: The Effects of Work Stress, Competence, Motivation and Mediating Role of Manager Performance

Mariana Tenreng

University of East Indonesia, Makassar.

Citation : Mariana Tenreng, Perceived Service Quality: The Effects of Work Stress, Competence, Motivation and Mediating Role of Manager Performance International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(8) : 43-56


This study was designed to test and analyze empirically the mediation role of manager performance in explaining the effect of work stress, competence, and work stress on perceived service quality (Servqual). The population in this research is the Manager of banking in the city of Makassar. Convenience sampling techniques used by the number of samples as much as 95 Manager. The data were analyzed using Warp PLS 5.0. The results showed a low level work stress in opposite directions but significantly to increase manager performance and perceived Servqual. That the manager who had low levels of stress in practice still can improve manager performance and perceived Servqual they create. Creation of high performance manager also caused due to competence that owned manager who ultimately can improve the perceived Servqual. In contrast to the work motivation, that work motivation is high capable of improving manager performance but in practice work motivation cannot increase perceived Servqual role of mediation manager performance are not able to explain the effect of work stress, competence and work motivation, that manager performance does not play an important role in improving the perceived service quality.

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