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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 6, 2016, Page No: 33-45

Impact of Application of the Internal Marketing on Job Satisfaction for the Employees in the Islamic Banks a Case Study of Jordan

Dr. Yahya Al-Khasawneh

Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Zarqa University, Jordan.

Citation : Dr. Yahya Al-Khasawneh, Impact of Application of the Internal Marketing on Job Satisfaction for the Employees in the Islamic Banks a Case Study of Jordan International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(6) : 33-45


This study aimed to measure the impact of application of the internal marketing on job satisfaction for the employees in the Islamic banks: A case study of Jordan. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher prepared a tool for the purpose of data collection included on (46) items, was to make sure the sincerity of the tool by presentation at a group of arbitrators, as was confirmed reliability using the coefficient (Cronbach alpha), so the reliability coefficient overall tool is (0.889). The study found a number of results, among them the following:

1. The evaluation level of the study sample in Islamic banks at Jordan was a (positive), and each dimension of the internal marketing dimensions (Empowering of employees, training programs, incentives and rewards, internal communication).

2. There exist a statistically significant impact at the significance level (a = 0.05), for three dimensions of the internal marketing (training programs, incentives and rewards, internal communication), on job satisfaction for the employees in the Islamic banks.

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