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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2016, Page No: 29-34

Relationship between Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership, Working Motivation to Teacher's Innovativeness

Henny Suharyati1,Thamrin Abdullah1,Bibin Rubini1

1.Post Graduate Program, Universitas Pakuan Bogor, Indonesia

Citation : Henny Suharyati,Thamrin Abdullah,Bibin Rubini, Relationship between Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership, Working Motivation to Teacher's Innovativeness International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(3) : 29-34


The purpose of this research is to examine the correlation between dependent variables of organization culture, transformational leadership, and job motivation with an independent variable, innovativeness of Preschool Teachers. The survey is conducted by taking a sample of 144 teachers who had graduated from The Teachers Training College by proportional random sampling technique at Preschool teachers in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. The research used a Sequential Explanatory Design Mixed Method. First the quantitative research is conducted then followed by the qualitative research to support the research has more thoroughly comprehensive output.

The quantitative research portrays that there is a very significant positive correlation between the dependent variables with the independent variable. This positive correlation is supported by the qualitative research which strengthens the notion that the higher the score of the dependent variables of organizational culture, transformational leadership and job motivation the higher the score of the innovativeness serving as independent variable.

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