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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2016, Page No: 49-59

Control and Development of Waqf Funds (Endowment funds) in Modern State "A Field Study of Jordan (Endowment) Awqaf"

Dr.Ziad Abdul Halim Altheebeh

Associate Professor Zarqa University- Jordan

Citation : Dr.Ziad Abdul Halim Altheebeh, Control and Development of Waqf Funds (Endowment funds) in Modern State "A Field Study of Jordan (Endowment) Awqaf" International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(2) : 49-59


This study aims to find common ground can build on to strengthen and activate control of the endowment (waqf) funds, and developing them to ensure performing their role as in the past. To achieve this goal the researcher used the descriptive method, through preparing and distributing a questionnaire on the study sample consisting of 26 directorates of the Ministry of Awqaf Islamic Affairs and Holy Places, 50 questionnaires were distributed on the employees of the Ministry, who form the study sample. The study concluded that control and oversight of waqf funds in the Jordanian state are weak, and consequently the development of these funds is weak too. Thus, this requires the researcher to recommend the need to create perfect control procedures to support the role of Waqf (endowment) and develop it to come back to its golden days and to be useful in all walks of life, including economic.

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