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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 11, 2016, Page No: 1-12

One-Day Biopsy: An Experience Environment for Value Co-Creation in Health Services

Antonio Sergio da Silva1, Maria Aparecida Gouvea1, Joao Paulo Ferraz de Barros2, Fabricio Prospero Machado2, Silvio Fontana Velludo2, Marcio Henrique de Alvarenga Nascimento2, Dailiane Luzia Margoto Nascimento2, Anderson Luis de Alvarenga Nascimento2

1.Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2.Instituto Prevent Senior, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Citation : Antonio Sergio da Silva,, One-Day Biopsy: An Experience Environment for Value Co-Creation in Health Services International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(11) : 1-12


Background: Customers nowadays influence any business, anywhere all over the world, so that no company can operate completely autonomously. The interaction between the company and the customer experience forms the basis for the value co-creation.

Methods: This research proposes a descriptive framework for an experience environment of a co-creation network configuration in health services.

Results: This paper can be valuable as a means of pulling together what is known about co-creation frameworks, not simply assembling and describing past work but rather describing an applicable model in a breast cancer diagnosis center.

Conclusion: Clodomiro Amazonas Breast Cancer Diagnosis Center is a successful form of engagement platform where people congregate with the specific purpose and a structured process through which they will co-create, thereby playing a central role in the health service experience to qualify breast cancer care and address it in a timely manner.

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