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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 10, 2016, Page No: 63-73

Work in a Performing Ephemeral Environment

Carlos Cesar Ronchi1, Mauro Enrique Carozzo Todaro2

1.Department of Management Ceuma University.
2.Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering State University of Maranhao.

Citation : Carlos Cesar Ronchi,Mauro Enrique Carozzo Todaro, Work in a Performing Ephemeral Environment International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(10) : 63-73


The aim is to present a construct, which contributes to increase understanding about work and the career in a liquid society. Based on the centrality of work, the individuals are each day more imprisoned to a life restricted to organizations. It is also desired to present facets regarding to organizational restriction and construction of a language that has it as a perfect object. In this condition, the organizational actors seek refuge in this illusions shelter. In this high performance environment, companies and individuals try making their own edition of the ideal world. These representations show that the individuals assume as normal the hegemonic position of power of organizations. This article does not aim proving or refuting any theory, neither suggest modifications but deconstruct the organizational imaginary and its contradictory speeches about work in the liquid society. However, in view of this, some parameters may be set in order to decrease the discursive dissimulation and violence at work.

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