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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2016, Page No: 14-28

The Impact of Social Media as a Marketing Tool on Purchasing Decisions (Case Study on SAMSUNG for Electrical Home Appliances)

Walid Nabil Iblasi1,Dr.Dojanah M.K.Bader2,Sulaiman Ahmad Al-Qurini3

1.Sales Manager and currently is a Corporate Sales Manager at the soul agent of (L. G.) in Jordan.
2.Associate Professor, at Balqa applied university, Amman College, Head of Management Information System Department. administration from Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan. C

Citation : Walid Nabil Iblasi,Dr.Dojanah M.K.Bader,Sulaiman Ahmad Al-Qurini, The Impact of Social Media as a Marketing Tool on Purchasing Decisions (Case Study on SAMSUNG for Electrical Home Appliances) International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2016 , 4(1) : 14-28


The purpose of this paper was to investigate the impact of Social Media as a marketing tool on Purchasing Decisions; Social media becomes an important communication tool that people use to connect to other people or organization. People use social media to share their experiences, reviews, information, advice, warnings, tips and/or any kind of issues that are interesting to their "connection" or friends. That information is a helpful source, which may influence consumer's decision-making.

In order to achieve the paper purposes, the researchers collected the information from SAMSUNG customers through designing a questionnaire according to the goals and hypotheses of the paper. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of (93) in 3 branches of SAMSUNG Company, and we reached the following outcomes:

1.The results showed that all members of the study sample with different percentages spend long time using social media websites which indicates that these websites are a fertile and rich place to practice Emarketing and to influence the consumers purchasing decisions.

2. The study proved that there is an impact of using social media websites as a marketing tool on the stages of purchasing decision (need recognition, information search, alternatives evaluation, purchase decision and post-purchase behavior) which encouraging going toward using the social media in E-marketing. As a result, the study introduces many recommendations including:

3. It is important for the company to go toward using the social media to market its products as these websites attract a large category of the society.

4. The importance of focusing on social media (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) due to its significant impact on purchasing decisions.

5. Designing the marketing strategy through social media in a way that takes in consideration attracting the users and consumers from the different age and income groups.

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