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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 9, 2015, Page No: 35-41

Motivation and Job Satisfaction Can Affect Working Environment of an Organisation: A Study of Private Engineering Colleges of Jabalpur

Mrs. Garima Choubey1

1.Assistant Professor Maharashtra Institute of Higher Education Jabalpur, (M.P) India

Citation : Mrs. Garima Choubey, Motivation and Job Satisfaction Can Affect Working Environment of an Organisation: A Study of Private Engineering Colleges of Jabalpur International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(9) : 35-41


The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors that effects employee motivation and examine the relationship between working environment and employee motivation. The workplace environments can impacts employee morale, teaching performance and engagement - both positively and negatively. The work place environment for academicians in a majority of private engineering colleges of Jabalpur is unsatisfactory and inferior. It was also found that most of the academic staffs are not satisfy with their present salary status as well as their working environment which affect the institutional motivation. It is recommended that academicians of private engineering college of Jabalpur must give salary as per AICTE and higher education ministry of Madhya Pradesh norms. Authorities and the government should pay increasing attention to the motivation of academic staff in order to boost their job performance and satisfaction thereby enhancing high efficiency

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