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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 9, 2015, Page No: 222-228

Empirical Verification of Tourists' Purchasing Souvenirs Behavior Model: Take Tamsui's Souvenirs as an Example

Chia-Ming Chang1, Hsiu-Chin Huang* 2, Tsung-Liang Lin2, Yu-Yu Lu1

1.Department of Physical Education, Health & Recreation, National Chiayi University, Chiayi County 621, Taiwan
2.Department of Tourism, Leisure, and Entertainment Management, Tatung Institute of Technology, Chiayi City 600, Taiwan

Citation : Chia-Ming Chang, Hsiu-Chin Huang*, Tsung-Liang Lin, Yu-Yu Lu, Empirical Verification of Tourists' Purchasing Souvenirs Behavior Model: Take Tamsui's Souvenirs as an Example International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(9) : 222-228


This study aims to verify the correlation between Tamsui souvenirs' brand awareness, local culture, price promotion, store atmosphere, consumers' purchase intention, and consumers' purchase behavior. The questionnaire survey method was used for data collection and tourists who visited Tamsui Old Street were chosen as research participants. A total of 700 questionnaire copies were distributed, and 600 valid samples were collected, with a valid return rate of 85.7%. The results showed that brand awareness has a positive influence on consumers' purchase intention, local culture has a positive influence on purchase intention, price promotion has a positive influence on purchase intention, and store atmosphere has a positive influence on consumers' purchase intention. However, brand awareness, local culture, price promotion, and store atmosphere have no significant influence on consumers' purchase behavior whilst consumers' purchase intention has a positive influence on consumers' purchase behavior. The percentage of the variance of consumers' purchase intention explained by brand awareness, local culture, price promotion, and store atmosphere is 52%. The findings can provide a reference for relevant studies in the future

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