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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 8, 2015, Page No: 15-22

Infrastructural Friendly Model of Teaching and Learning for Developing Country

Abdalla A. Shaame1, Haji A. Haji2, Mwanajuma S. Mgeni2, Omar H. Kombo2

1.Center of ICT Services The State University of Zanzibar Zanzibar, Tanzania
2.Department of Computer Science and IT The State University of Zanzibar Zanzibar, Tanzania

Citation : Abdalla A. Shaame, Haji A. Haji, Mwanajuma S. Mgeni, Omar H. Kombo, Infrastructural Friendly Model of Teaching and Learning for Developing Country International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(8) : 15-22


In recent years, the integration of ICT in pedagogy has become inevitable the educational institution. The educational institutions should find the appropriate model to adopt for the integration of ICT in pedagogy. This study aims to develop an infrastructural friendly model which can be adopted by any educational institutions in developing countries. The study was based on reviewing of relevant literature and the data collected from secondary and primary schools in Tanzania. The finding underlines that the ICT infrastructure in schools is low which needs to be improved before the schools adopt ICT based model in teaching and learning. The main conclusion drawn in this study was that developing countries should prepare friendly environments in school by improving the ICT infrastructure and human resources before adopting ICT in pedagogy. Finally, this research paper recommends that the developing countries' governments, education partners and individuals should provide enough funds to improve ICT infrastructure in schools

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