A More Relevant Nomenclature: Supply Network Management
Kamal Fatehi1, Douglas R. Moodie* 1
Citation : Kamal Fatehi, Douglas R. Moodie*, A More Relevant Nomenclature: Supply Network Management International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(8) : 95-102
This paper suggests that there have been sufficient environmental changes and concomitant managerial practices that, name-wise, the field should be called supply network management. Often, academic concepts lag managerial practices, which in turn could lag the changes in the environment. This paper traces the development of the field of supply chain and operations management to illustrate this has happened in the area that is commonly called supply chain management. The paper discusses the environmental changes and resulting managerial practices that are characteristics of supply networks to support such a name change. The value of such a change in the name would be to encourage managers and researchers to think in network terms rather than linearly