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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 7, 2015, Page No: 1-9

Studies of Evaluative System on the Scientific and Technological Innovative and Managerial Ability -- Based On the Malmquist Productivity Index Approach

Lan X1

1.Economics Department / Business School East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), Shanghai, China

Citation : Lan X, Studies of Evaluative System on the Scientific and Technological Innovative and Managerial Ability -- Based On the Malmquist Productivity Index Approach International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(7) : 1-9


This paper first sets up the evaluative system on enterprises' scientific and technological innovative performance based on the Malmquist productivity growth index, and then combined with the innovative environmental factors, such as networking effects, to build a more realistic and feasible evaluative system on the regional scientific and technological innovative performance. Finally, the paper decomposes the analysis into subcomponents of scale effect, technical effect and other relevant factors that determine the competitiveness of innovative activities. It is suggested that the scientific and technological innovative activities and innovative management of enterprises and regional development be not only of long-term strategic significance for the sustainability and development of the society, and for the enhancement of the core competitiveness of the enterprise, but of practical significance for the promotion of economic benefits as well

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