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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 5, 2015, Page No: 65-73

Managing Employee Trust Perceptions for Sustained Workplace Harmony in the Nigerian Banking Industry

Okpu1, Tarela Ph.D1, Kpakol2, Aborlo Gbaraka2

1.Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island Amasoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
2.International Centre for Management Research and Training (CIMRAT), Nigeria

Citation : Okpu, Tarela Ph.D, Kpakol, Aborlo Gbaraka, Managing Employee Trust Perceptions for Sustained Workplace Harmony in the Nigerian Banking Industry International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(5) : 65-73


The issue of workplace harmony has for decades prevailed as a central factor with regard to organizational performance, member cooperation and success. This study examines using empirical methods the association between employee trust perceptions and workplace harmony in the Nigeria banking industry. The study being quasi-experimental is carried out using the cross sectional survey design and data is generated from a sample of 214 participants drawn from an accessible population of 637 staff of 10 selected banks in Rivers State, Nigeria. The findings support significant associations between the empirical referents of employee trust perceptions namely; perception of ability, perception of benevolence and perception of integrity; and the criterion variable, workplace harmony. In conclusion we propose a more transparent, consistent and representative system of management which not only recognizes employees within the organization but also allows for participation, feedback and member support

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