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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 10, 2015, Page No: 36-42

Diffusion of Innovation in Asian: A Study of Mobile NFC (Near Field Communication) Payment in Korea and Thailand

Toyyeba Longyara1, Hung Trong Van1

1.School of IT Business, Soongsil University, Seoul-Korea

Citation : Toyyeba Longyara, Hung Trong Van, Diffusion of Innovation in Asian: A Study of Mobile NFC (Near Field Communication) Payment in Korea and Thailand International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(10) : 36-42


The NFC technology implemented on the base of contemporary mobile handsets can provide considerable benefits to end-users. However, despite high level of diffusion of mobile phones in Asia, the level of penetration of the NFC based mobile payment is low. A considerable number of trials have been initiated; however, large-scale deployment of commercial NFC services cannot be seen. This study examined the possible attributes of innovation that contribute to the adoption of innovative mobile banking services in Korea and Thailand. Diffusion of Innovation theory was utilized to study Korea and Thailand using NFC payment banking customers living in several regions of the two countries. The attributes of innovation, used for this investigation, were complexity, compatibility, relative advantage and perceived status benefits. The results reveal that only complexity had a negative relationship with intention to adopt innovative Internet banking both in Thailand but not a barrier with Korea, while other attributes of innovation show a positive relationship. Several marketing related recommendations are offered for improving the success rate for the adoption of NFC payment in both Korea and Thailand

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