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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 3, Issue 10, 2015, Page No: 100-107

Impact of Natural Disasters on Corporate Philanthropic Practices (A Case Study of Pakistani Firms)

Nabeel Safdar 1, Wajiha Manzoor1

1.UIBE Business School University of International Business and Economics, China
2.School of International Trade and Economics University of International Business and Economics, China

Citation : Nabeel Safdar, Wajiha Manzoor, Impact of Natural Disasters on Corporate Philanthropic Practices (A Case Study of Pakistani Firms) International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2015 , 3(10) : 100-107


Corporate philanthropy and corporate social responsibility have emerged in the modern era and mainly focused by researchers and humanitarian groups. This paper empirically tested the impact of natural disasters on corporate charitable donations. This paper explores effect of disaster donations on pattern of corporate giving based on LSE-25 index companies over the ten year period 2002-11. Panel regression techniques along with dummy variable introduced for disaster affected years and interaction terms have been used for gauging the effect of disaster donations on pattern of corporate giving after collecting data from audited financial reports of companies. The results reveal that corporations are more generous in giving during the time of natural disasters

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